Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bo's Coffee's New Offerings

Bo’s Coffee recently launched its own version of the Super Moist Chocolate Cake which is there 1st new offering! This old-time everybody’s favourite sweet delight is something one can't just resist, especially if paired with coffee at Bo's. Called the Super Moist Chocolate Cake, the concoction is a feast for one’s senses. This brown heaven has chocolate dripping deliciously from its core with every bit that you take and put in your mouth.

Some would say that the history of the chocolate cake goes back to 1764, when Dr. James Baker discovered how to make chocolate by grinding cocoa beans between two massive millstones. The resulting chocolate liquid syrup was poured in molds to make “cakes” of chocolate. Since that time, chocolate cakes have gone through several versions from the simplest home-baked chocolate cakes to those infused with fruits and champagne.

Offering #2: Cookie for the gods: a twist to a classic

Food for the gods is a delicious mix of butter, sugar, eggs, and nuts. It is up there with Fruitcake as a Christmas gift staple. And why not? You can never go wrong with a perfectly baked Food for the gods.

However, as is tradition at Bo’s Coffee, they are taking this Filipino classic one step further. In comes Cookie for the gods. Taking the same ingredients that make Food for the gods the goodness we all love to eat, Bo’s Coffee put a twist by making cookie versions.

Cookie for the gods is a crunchy gem of a cookie that teases you to have more than one every time. Available at Bo’s Coffee in Manila and Cebu, this sweet-smelling delight will never disappoint.

Bo’s Coffee’s Super Moist Chocolate Cake and the Cookie for the Gods are already available in Manila and Cebu.
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2 comments: on "Bo's Coffee's New Offerings"

Pinay Travel Junkie said...

Currently drooling. Cookie for the Gods sounds interesting and would really love to try once we're back in Pinas!

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